Laudato SI’ 


On 24 May 2015 Pope Francis signed Laudato Si’, the
watershed encyclical letter that called world’s attention
to the increasingly precarious state of our common
home. Five years on the encyclical appears ever more

The fifth anniversary of the encyclical comes in the midst
of another watershed moment – a global pandemic –
and Laudato Si’s message is just as prophetic today as
it was in 2015.

The encyclical can indeed provide the
moral and spiritual compass for the journey to create a
more caring, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world.
We have, in fact, a unique opportunity to transform the
present groaning and travail into the birth pangs of a
new way of living together, bonded together in love,
compassion and solidarity, and a more harmonious
relationship with the natural world, our common home.

Each class has produced a beautiful piece of artwork in response to the Laudato Si anniversary prayer.