To support our remote learning, we use the online learning platform – Google Classroom (see the dedicated page). In addition, children are also provided with printed workbooks and exercise books. We use these resources and approaches to support our weekly homework and for any periods of isolation.

At St Augustine’s Primary School, we understand the importance of ensuring the continuity and delivering of our curriculum remains high quality. This includes during periods of remote working, which may be for an individual child, for small groups or for whole year groups. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all our children have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed.

To maintain the continuity of our curriculum the schemes of work and teaching resources used in school are shared on the Goggle Classroom. In addition, class teachers monitor their classrooms providing support through the online portal – this includes instruction, answering questions through the secure google chat and video meet facility and marking and feedback of completed work.

All children have received instruction on how to use the Google Classroom, which to regularly reviewed. In addition, we have a dedicated help page on our website to provide parents with technical support. Teachers are also available to answer questions through the portal during normal teaching hours.

Our home learning:

  • ensures pupils receive clear explanations
  • supports growth in confidence with new material through scaffolded practice
  • provide application of new knowledge or skills
  • gives pupils to receive feedback on how to progress



Keeping children safe continues to be our top priority. All school staff have a continuing responsibility to promote the welfare of the children we teach. Therefore, our home learning expectations follow the same principles set out in our Safeguarding, Online Safety and Behaviour policies.

We educate children and parents about the benefits and risks of using new technology and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experiences. When accessing remote learning, children’s  screen time will inevitably be increased, both for home learning and personal use. The school is committed to keeping children safe online and to ensuring positive online interaction between teachers, parents and children. In line with this, some work is also set which is not computer-based, to allow pupils learning time away from screens.

Please see our Google Classroom page for further information.



Please click here for our remote learning consent form