At the heart of Christian faith is the belief in God, who communicates with people. God calls every human person into a loving relationship and as with every relationship; our relationship with God can only grow through communication. Prayer is the way in which we engage in communication with God


Our school prayers

Dear God,

 Thank you for looking after our school.   

Thank you that you love each and every one of us here.

Help us to learn, play and share together so that the wonderful world you have made becomes more beautiful every day and so we can serve the Lord in gladness.

 St Augustine…pray for us.



The Sign of the Cross 

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Actions to share with the children. With their right hand (touch forehead)- In the name of the Father, (touch heart) and of the of the Son (touch left shoulder) and of the Holy (touch right shoulder) Spirit(join your hands) Amen



Morning Prayer

May all the children in the world, share love,
share friendship and live in the peace of God’s love.

EYFS and Key Stage 1 Prayers 

Morning Prayer 

Father in heaven I love you

You are with me night and day

I want to love you always in all I do and say. 

I try to please you Father. 

Bless me through the day 



Prayer before meals

Bless us O lord as we sit together, 

Bless the food we eat today,

Bless the hands that make the food, 

Bless us O lord 



Prayer after meals 

Thank you God for the food we have eaten,

Thank you God for all my friends

Thank you God for everything 

Thank you God 



Prayer at the end of the day 

Now the day is over 

We lift our hands and say

Thank you heavenly father for today

We are sorry for the wrong things 

And glad about the right 

Keep us heavenly father in your love tonight 


Key Stage 2 Prayers

Morning Prayer 

Father in Heaven 

I give you today

All that I think and 

Do and say

My ears to hear, 

My eyes to see,

My hands and feet 

And all of me,

To love and work each 

Day for you



Grace before Lunch 

Bless us O Lord

For these thy gifts 

Which we are about 

To receive 

From thy bounty

Through Christ Our 




Prayer after meals 

Thank you God for the food we have eaten,

Thank you God for everything 

Thank you God 



Prayer at the end of the day

God our father

I have come to say

Thank you for your love today,

Thank you for my family

And all the friends 

You give to me 

Guard me in the dark of night and in the morning send you light. 

Hail Mary 

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee

Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. 



Glory Be…

Glory Be to the father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. 



Eternal Rest

Eternal rest grant until them O lord, and let perpetual; light shine upon them, may they rest in peace.


Responses to mass 

To begin prayer;

Priest The lord be with you

All- And with your Spirit 


The Sign of Peace 

Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you always

All: And with your Spirit 

Priest; Let us offer each other the sign of peace

Shake hands and say- Peace be with you 


After the Word of God (Not a Gospel Reading)

Reader; The word of the Lord

All; Thanks be to God


Greeting the Gospel:

Sing Alleluia 

Priest; reading from the Holy Gospel according to…

All Glory to you O lord

(The sign of the cross is made on the head, lips and heart)


At the end of the Gospel

Priest; The Gospel of the lord

All- Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ


Lord have Mercy 

Priest; Lord have mercy

All- Lord have mercy

Priest; Christ have mercy

All- Christ have Mercy

Priest; Lord have Mercy 

All; Lord have Mercy

Spontaneous Prayers 

In addition to traditional prayers that we say in school, we use everyday situations to talk to God. During the day we often encourage children to say thank you to God.