SEND Vision:
At St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School our vision is that all children’s individual needs are met to enable every child to reach their full potential. At St Augustine’s, we have high expectations of all children and we aim for every child to know that they are valuable members of our community.
We believe that all children have an equal right to an education and are committed to developing their personal, social and intellectual potential so that they become lifelong learners.
We strongly believe that ‘Every teacher is a teacher of SEND’ and this belief enables all staff to support those children with SEND to:
- Achieve their best
- Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives
- Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training
St Augustine’s Primary School Local Offer
It is our belief that all children have an equal right to an inclusive, broad and balanced education which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We aim to use our best endeavours to ensure special educational provision is secured for those children who require ‘additional to and different from’ what is provided within the curriculum and to allow staff to respond to each child’s individual needs using adaptations and scaffolds.
A Graduated Approach to SEND
St Augustine’s follows a graduated approach to meeting each child’s individual special needs. Initially this involves the use of classroom and school resources before bringing specialist expertise to help with the difficulties that a child is experiencing.
A process of on-going teacher assessments and termly pupil progress meetings with the leadership team identifies those children making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances. The school’s first response is always high-quality targeted teaching by the class teacher.
Where progress continues to be less than expected, the class teacher will discuss their concerns with the SENCo. In deciding whether to make special educational provision, the teacher and SENCo will consider all of the information gathered from within the school about the child’s progress, alongside the views of parents/carers as well as the child.
Parental Partnership
At St Augustine’s, we strive to develop strong partnerships with parents and know that mutual trust and support will contribute significantly to the progress and attainment of all children, especially those children with SEND. We know that parents have a unique overview of their child’s needs and this gives them a key role in supporting their child. Working in collaboration and supporting parents is central to our mission.
We operate an ‘open door’ policy for all parents. If they should have any concerns about their children, then they are encouraged to speak with their class teacher and our SENCo, Mrs Dunning is more than happy to meet with them.
SEND Provision
St Augustine’s prides itself on being an inclusive school which supports the needs of all children holistically. The SEND provision has been reasonably adapted and carefully developed in response to the needs of our children. We have developed a Sensory Space, quiet break out spaces both within school and in the playground. Staff across school work together to ensure our children’s learning, social, emotional and mental health needs are met whilst removing the barriers to learning and building a child’s resilience.
Our children are happy, safe and have their needs met, in safe learning environments where difference and diversity is embraced and all pupils are respected and respectful. Through embracing restorative practices and emotion coaching techniques, those children with social, emotional and mental health needs thrive.
Our children have a voice and feel heard – they are involved in all aspects of school life and are part of decisions about themselves. Staff are empathic, supportive and compassionate and create effective learning opportunities for all.
Our parents feel listened to, supported and play a vital role in decision making about their child.
Early intervention means that we close emerging gaps early and/or identify needs and implement support quickly.
Relationships between staff, children, parents and wider professionals are at the heart of everything we do at St Augustine’s Primary School.
Useful Information for parents, carers and children…
St Augustine’s SEND Information Report – St Augustine’s SEN Information Report
St Augustine’s Accessibility Plan – St Augustine’s Accessibility Plan
Middlesbrough’s Local Offer – Click on the image below to access
Middlesbrough Local Authority – The SEND Assessment Team 0-25 deal with lots of aspects relating to inclusive education.
Middlesbrough Local Authority SEN Page