Welcome to Year 3
Our class page is here to support both children and parents. On this page, you will find useful information on what happens in school each week. You will also find the latest class newsletter which gives you an overview of the current term. To showcase the children’s fantastic work and our wonderful classroom, we have a class photo gallery below – we hope you enjoy!
Teaching Staff
Our Year 3 class teacher is Miss Drumm who is supported by the wonderful Miss Hold, Mrs Laden and Miss Bryn.
Homework KS2 Expectations and Help
Our weekly homework is sent out via the ‘marvellous me’ app to parents and guardians. Please contact the office if you have any problems with this.
Reading: Children are expected to read out loud to an adult every day. Parents/carers are requested to sign home reading records to confirm reading. We ask children to bring their reading book and reading log in to school every day.
Spelling: Each week, we learn new spelling rules in school. The children a spelling sheet each week to take home which supports the learning of these new rules.
Timetables: Children are expected to practise their times tables every day. Each child has been provided with a unique login to Times Tables Rockstars.
Skills Sheets: To consolidate the maths and English concepts taught in school, we send maths and grammar/punctuation skills sheets home each Friday.
On occasion, there may be additional homework provided through our Google Classroom. All children have login details – for help with Google Classroom, please click here
PE Days
Year 3 have PE every Thursday and Friday this half term. On PE days, children should come to school wearing their full PE kit. Details of our PE expectations can be found the PE curriculum page.
Class Newsletter
Each term, you will receive a class newsletter detailing the wonderful teaching and learning happening in our class. Read all about it here – Year 3 Newsletter.docx
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
We use sequenced modules to activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge AND understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon.
To see our Year 3 curriculum overview please visit our dedicated Curriculum page: https://staugustines.npcat.org.uk/curriculum-overview/
Extra Information
Class Gallery